Our Maths subject lead is Mrs Walters
At North Frodingham Primary School we recognise that Mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to the wider curriculum and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We aim to provide a high-quality mathematics education with a mastery approach so that all children:
• become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
• reason mathematically
• can solve problems by applying their mathematics.
• (National Curriculum 2014)
At North Frodingham Primary School we use Maths No Problem in years 1-6, which has been written to support teachers in all aspects of their planning whilst delivering Singapore Maths Mastery methods effectively. The lesson comprises of three main parts and possible extensions:
- Explore – introduction to lessons with a problem or question to discuss as a group.
- Guided Practise – opportunity for children to practise and apply the new skills.
- Workbook – final stage for children to secure their knowledge and understanding independently.
- Extension – children who are more fluent may also complete extensions from the White Rose scheme of learning.
In the FSU, children in FS1 are introduced to focused maths learning and the five principles of counting during adult led sessions using rhymes and counting activities. In FS2 this understanding of number is deepened through sequenced activities planned using the, ‘White Rose, Master The Curriculum’, scheme for Early Years, as a basis to ensure a strong foundation of concepts. Individual Next Steps, for all children in Number and Numerical Pattern, are also addressed through carefully selected resources available in the Continuous Provision and practitioner interaction.
Our mathematics curriculum is based upon ‘Maths No Problem’ resources which are fully supported by the Department for Education as they meet the requirements of the new curriculum. It provides all the elements that teachers need to teach Maths mastery with confidence and encourage children to talk using maths language. We measure our impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
• A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes.
• Termly assessment using NTS tests, which is a suite of termly standardised maths tests which enable school to track progress, predict future performance and benchmark against national averages.
• Pupil discussions about their learning.
As a result of this approach we aim to inspire children to have a love of maths. The children should become confident in mathematical concepts with a deep and thorough understanding of methods and strategies to apply to a wide range of mathematical problems
Different ways of representing number in FSU
Shape and measure in class 1