North Frodingham, Driffield, North Humberside YO25 8LA

01262 488227

North Frodingham Primary School

Caring, Sharing, Together Learning

GALLERY 2023-2024

Leavers Assembly

Year 6 Let Loose trip

Summer Disco

French Breakfast

Frod's Got Talent!

Kilham Cross Country

House Captain Election

Sky Arts Week - Outdoor Learning

Sky Arts Week - Dancing

Sky Arts Week - Boomwhackers Music Session

Sky Arts Week - Artist

Class 2 Yorkshire Wildlife Park Trip

Sports Day

Mountain Rescue Charity Day

Class 2 Roman History Day

May Day

Class 3 Food and Farming trip


Cross Country

Writing buddies

A visit from Hornsea fire crew


Easter YEAST assembly

Easter egg hunt

Easter plate decorating competition

Egg rolling

Lego workshop

Comic Relief 

Whole school outdoor learning day

Class 1 trip to Sewerby Hall

World Book Day

Tag rugby

Careers activity afternoon in houses

Ramadan workshop with Imran

Fairtrade Hot Chocolate

KS2 Emotions Theatre Performance


Dodgeball 1.2.24

Christmas Dinner

RE Nativity Morning


Christmas Disco

School's Music Service Concert

Decorating our Christmas tree

Anti-Bullying Workshops

Children in Need

Remembrance Day

Odd Socks Day

Picture News Values Workshop

Year 6 Maths and Science Transition Day

Pumpkin Competition

Class 3 First Aid

FSU trip to Sideoven Bakery

Harvest Festival

Hello Yellow Day

Class 3 Play Leader training

October Reading Buddies 

Class 2 and 3 trip to the village war memorial

Class 3 diversity workshop


Cross Country

Class 1 'Homes' History Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Class 2 Tudor Day